Wolfbun LLC is a team of developers based in Washington state who build custom software solutions. We pride ourselves in our ability to learn, adapt to, and ultimately augment the workflows of our clients with as little disruption as possible.

Our programming services include custom web application development, Linux utility and backend development, and customization of the Oracle® NetSuite cloud-based ERP platform.

Wolfbun web applications are single-page, meaning that you don't have to load a different page whenever you click on something. This makes them very fast. They are built with HTML, JavaScript, and CSS in the frontend, and C in the backend. They make use of WebSockets for client-server communication.

Wolfbun regularly creates niche Linux-based utilities for both offline—analyzing stored data—and online—analyzing 'live' data and adjusting it in real-time—data processing tasks. While doing this, we regularly improve our toolset to design and develop future utilities and applications more quickly and economically.

Wolfbun provides SuiteScript-based customization for the Oracle® NetSuite cloud-based ERP platform. Due to the highly flexible nature of the NetSuite platform, its ability to be customized, automated, and extended is massive. Our approach allows us to examine your desired data interaction processes and bring them into reality, streamlining workflows and data collection procedures both in the office and on the production floor.